Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13th, 2012

Mama and I have decided that my blog will be in two different places. Mama and Marlowe have been blogging on blogspot for a long time. This is what they understand. It will also be on Wordpress, because Mama wants to try that. These posts will look like Marlowe wrote them, while the Wordpress ones will have my name.

February 12th, 2012

So we went up the stairs to where Adelaide’s mom and friends were waiting.

tn_2012-01-28 Meeting Wren (6)

I was kind of worried, but I just had a feeling. Marlowe wrapped me up in his robe, and I was feeling better already.

tn_2012-01-28 Meeting Wren (1)

I told them my story, and they all seemed to really care. They were all ready to bring me back home, but when I said that I didn’t know where that was, Mama said that I could stay with them! I had unknowingly come to the right place! They explained to me that there were all sorts of creatures living at their house and I was welcome to come and live there too!

tn_2012-01-28 Wren (3)

February 9th, 2012

I've decided that I ought to stop stealing my brother Marlowe's blog and start one of my own. Now I can talk about my life without feeling guilty about taking his blogging time.

My name is Wren Arriety Book, and I'm a Borrower-- yes, a Borrower from those books. I used to live in the woods far away. One day I was out to get water from the pond and a big mean crow picked me up! I think he was going to eat me! I used all my strength and pulled a feather out! He dropped me and I ran away. I ran under a big bush and waited until he went away.

I started crying. I didn't know what to do! I never walked very far away from my home, so I didn't know what to do! How far away did he take me? Where was my home? Suddenly I heard talking.

"Hello, little girl," the voice said. I looked up and saw a big girl! "I won't hurt you," she said soothingly. "My name's Adelaide," she said, smiling.

"I'm Wren," I told her. "Where am I?" I plopped back down on the ground. "A crow brought me here. I've never been away from home!"

"It's okay," she said. "This is my house," she said, pointing behind her to a huge house. "I live here with my Mama and a lot of my friends." She reached down and held her hand out. "Mama will know what to do," she said. "You want me to bring you up to her?" I nodded, and climbed up her arm.
To be continued!